Mental Health is as Important as Physical Health
posted on Jan 25, 2023

When we think about a child’s health and overall well-being, physical health is often the first thing that comes to mind. We always encourage children to engage in physical activities and maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, it is important to remember that mental health is just as important as physical health and should never be overlooked.
A 2020 survey showed that 46% of people aged 15 or older agree that mental health is as critical as physical health. Today, mental health issues affect more than 10-20% of children worldwide and has grown into a problem that needs worldwide attention.
At Gurukul The School, one of the top cbse schools in Ghaziabad, we place high importance on a child’s mental wellness. We believe that by taking care of a child’s mental health, they can grow into successful and, most importantly, happy adults. That’s why we focus on mental wellness and the holistic growth of every child.
Today, in this article below, let us see what exactly mental health is all about and why it is necessary to pay ample attention to your little one’s mental health.
Understanding Mental Health
Mental health refers to the overall emotional and psychological well-being of an individual. Mental well-being is a state where an individual can perform ordinary functions of life and is best able to use their cognitive and psychological capabilities.
However, mental health should not be confused with mental illness. Mental illness is a diagonalizable condition with symptoms that affects one’s daily functioning. For example, we feel sad or worried sometimes, which is a normal part of life, but if those feelings don’t go away and affect our daily life, it could be a sign of a mental illness like depression.
The Significance of Sound Mental Health in Children
Time has changed, and so has people’s approach toward a healthy life. With the increasing pressure that children are exposed to in today’s day and age, balanced growth has become crucial, and mental health comprises one of the most important elements of balanced growth. Here’s sharing why we believe mental well-being is a crucial aspect of our life:
Mental Health Affects Physical Health and Vice-Versa
Mental and physical health are interrelated and can majorly impact one another. Mental health can significantly affect physical health, manifesting symptoms like low energy, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, etc.
For instance, a person experiencing depression may engage in unhealthy behaviors such as overeating or lack of exercise, leading to physical health issues. Similarly, poor physical health can harm a child’s mental well-being. This clearly establishes a close interrelation between the two.
Impacts Academic Performance of Children
Research has shown that students with good mental health are more likely to have higher academic grades and better attendance. No doubt, good mental health plays a crucial role in a child’s academic success. Students with strong mental health can better manage stress, stay focused, and develop healthy study habits. On the contrary, children with poor mental health can face difficulty concentrating in class, remembering information, and completing assignments.
Also, good mental health can help children feel confident in their abilities, leading to a growth mindset and a willingness to take on new challenges. Sound mental health, thus, not only reflects in good academic performance but also helps a child succeed in other domains.
Helps in Forming Better Relationships
Children with sound mental health are likely to have a positive self-image, high self-esteem, and the ability to communicate effectively. This means that good mental health can help children to form positive relationships with others.
When a child is struggling with poor mental health, it can be difficult for them to form connections with others, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. On the other hand, children with strong mental health can form better relationships and communicate effectively, leading to increased social success and fulfillment.
It has been seen that mental well-being plays a crucial role in leading children to have stronger relationships with family, friends, and peers, and also excel in challenging social settings. Also, good mental health can help children develop the skills to handle conflict and resolve problems effectively, promoting healthy relationships and a sense of community. All these, otherwise simple and normal looking things, are really tough for those suffering from mental health issues.
Final Words
At Gurukul The School, listed among the top cbse schools in Ghaziabad, we understand that mental health is as important as physical health when it comes to a child’s overall well-being. Good mental health is the foundation for better physical health, academic performance, and a better social and personal life. However, despite the significance, there are still too many children worldwide who suffer from poor mental health. Thus, through this article today, we would like to spread awareness about the importance of mental health in children and would like to urge parents not to leave any stone unturned in ensuring that your little ones enjoy good health in the true sense of the term, i.e., both physically as well as mentally. This is indeed necessary to help them pave a path to a happy and fulfilling life ahead.